Welcome to my end of the year crafty goals update! I started making crafty goals for myself last year and thought it would be fun to carry on that tradition this year. With my end of the year crafty goals update, I am giving you an update on my progress for the entire year. I think this is a fun way to keep track of what crafty goals I’m doing and to see what else I can accomplish throughout the year.
For this year, I wanted to include some of the same crafty goals as last year, but also include some new crafty goals for 2018. There are certain things I want to work on in order to expand my little crochet business even more. These goals are in no particular order. Without further ado, here is my end of the year crafty goals update!
End of the Year Crafty Goals #1: Budget Better
Last year, I started keeping a budget of all my income/expenses. I used a pre-loaded template in Excel and wrote down the different transactions. I also checked them with my bank statements to make sure I accounted for everything. However, I didn’t start at the beginning of the year like I should have. Because of that, everything was a little off whack and nothing added up properly.
PROGRESS: I’ve been able to keep up with my monthly budget to track all of my income and expenses. Each month, I print out my bank statement and find all the receipts that go along with it. I made an Excel spreadsheet to help me keep track of my monthly spending and income. I think this has become a valuable asset as I know how much I’m spending and how much money I’m getting from orders, etc. each month. Once I complete the month, I put everything in a binder to keep it neat and organized. (GOAL-completed)

Image from Google
Would I continue this goal?
Yes, I will continue with this goal as I find it very valuable. By keeping a spreadsheet, this helps me keep up with the money I take in as well as the money that’s spent each month. However, I don’t think it’s necessary to put this on my goals list for next year.
End of the Year Crafty Goals #2: Get Better at Marketing
I would like to have a better strategy for marketing. However, marketing isn’t my strong suit. Being a one-woman show, I find it difficult to market myself as I don’t always know what I’m doing. However, I know there are some things I can do to increase visitors if I do a little research. One thing I would like to do is look into adding an email list as I think this would be beneficial to me. I also want to understand how to use social media better and increase my social media presence.
PROGRESS: I haven’t worked on this goal as much I would like to. I’m still very unsure of what to do and where to start. However, I have tried to post more on social media, but it hasn’t been consistent. (GOAL-half completed)
Would I continue this goal?
Yes and no. I think this will be a constant struggle for me as I don’t want to appear spammy, but I do want to get my name out there. This year I have posted on social media more, as I mentioned, but I have not set up an email list. I will continue to see what others are doing and see if that works for me. Otherwise, I will try and post more consistently when I have a new blog post, pattern, or sale available. It will not be on my 2019 goals list, however.
End of the Year Crafty Goals #3: Design More Crochet Patterns
Last year I made it a goal to design 1-2 of my own patterns. I far exceeded that goal and had a lot of fun in doing so. I enjoyed coming up with different color combinations and patterns and seeing the end result. Because of my enjoyment, I plan to continue designing more of my own patterns. I made it a goal to design at least 10 patterns this year.
PROGRESS: So far for my end of the year crafty goals update, I have designed 17 out of 10 crochet patterns. I far exceed my goal again this year. As I mentioned, I really enjoy designing my own crochet patterns and want to continue to design more. (GOAL-completed)
Check out all my patterns so far here: Dalmatian Hooded Blanket, Ribbed Baby Blanket, Shell Stitch Blanket, Waffle Stitch Dishcloth, Nightberry Chevron Blanket, Blanket Stitch Blanket, Market Tote Bag, Spa Cloth, Face Scrubbie, Towel Topper, Halloween Mason Jar Cozies, Pumpkin Wall Hanging, Purple Ombre Baby Blanket, Seed Stitch Cowl, Puff Stitch Infinity Scarf, Basket Weave Baby Blanket, and Cozy Waffle Cowl.
Would I continue this goal?
Absolutely! I have a lot of fun coming up with different ideas for patterns. Right now I have a few ideas floating around in my brain, and can’t wait to release them next year. I hope you enjoy the patterns I come out with. As always, if there is something you would like to see, let me know and I will try and come up with a pattern for that.
End of the Year Crafty Goals #4: Learn How to Sew
I’ve been itching to learn how to sew recently. Learning to sew would be awesome as I would learn the skills needed to eventually make my own project bags amongst other things. I would love to learn how to sew as you can create so many different things with a sewing machine. I always love looking at the different fabrics available as well.
PROGRESS: I haven’t worked on this goal at all. I still would like to learn how to sew, but I just haven’t had time yet. (GOAL-not completed)
Would I continue this goal?
Yes, I would. I would still love to learn how to sew. I’ve made plans with a friend to teach me how to sew in exchange for crochet lessons in the New Year.
End of the Year Crafty Goals #5: Work Through My Yarn Stash
One of my goals last year was to work through my yarn stash. After I finished projects, I had some yarn leftover that I didn’t know what to do with. Some of my yarn has been sitting on my shelf for a while, so I wanted to finally get around to using it. Last year, I did a great job in using up a lot of leftover yarn, which I made into hats to donate to charity. I want to continue using up my leftover yarn and work from my stash as often as I can.
PROGRESS: I’ve done a great job in accomplishing this goal! Yes, I’ve purchased a lot of yarn throughout the year, but I’ve also worked through a lot of my yarn as well. I’ve accomplished this by restocking my blankets on Etsy, using leftover yarn for charity projects, and designing my own patterns. Most, if not all, of the time when I purchase yarn, it’s because there’s a great sale going on or I have coupons. I try to keep a project in mind when purchasing yarn, but let’s be real-sometimes I purchase yarn because it’s pretty!
With my end of the year crafty goals update, I have used up 176 skeins, which equals to a whopping 51,625 yards! That’s insane! Last year I used up 45,252 yards (127 skeins)! (GOAL-completed)
Would I continue this goal?
Yes, I would continue this goal. I’m having a lot of fun seeing how much yarn I use throughout the year. Every year I wonder if I’m going to use up more yarn than the previous year. I certainly did this year! This is also a great way to come up with different color combinations and patterns as well as use up leftover yarn for charity projects.
End of the Year Crafty Goals #6: Yarn Dye More
While I’ve dabbled with yarn dyeing last year, I feel like I still have a lot to learn. I would like to increase my knowledge of this and see what dyeing method works best for me. I think it would be fun to have my own hand dyed yarn and see how they work up in different projects.
PROGRESS: While I have practiced yarn dyeing earlier in the year, I still feel like I don’t really know what I’m doing. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong and how others can get such beautiful color combinations. I’ve watched different yarn dye methods on YouTube, but my results still aren’t up to par with what I want. I still have a ways to go, so hopefully I can understand the different methods better and my yarn dye results will improve. (GOAL-needs improvement)
Would I continue with this goal?
Yes, I would still like to continue with this goal and learn more about the different yarn dyeing methods out there. There is still a lot to learn, but I’m confident I’ll be able to understand the concept if I put more time into this process.
End of the Year Crafty Goals #7: Pattern Reviews
As you know, there are TONS of crochet patterns out there! I have a ton of patterns printed out, saved on my iPad, and on my Ravelry page. I’m probably never going to get to all of them, especially as more and more patterns are released, but it’s time I look through them. It would be fun to try out different patterns to increase my crochet skills and learn a new stitch. I would also like to keep things interesting and see what patterns I fall in love with and what patterns are simply not for me. If there are any patterns you recommend that I try, leave me a comment below and let me know.
PROGRESS: I’ve done a good job so far in trying out some new patterns. There are some patterns I feel like I would make again while others are one and done. This is a fun way to go through all the saved patterns I have and see which ones I love and which ones I can leave behind. I also went through my pattern binder and have thrown out some patterns that I know I will never make. (GOAL-completed)
Would I continue with this goal?
Yes, I would like to continue to see what new patterns are out there that appeal to me. There might be some patterns I really like and will make over and over again, while others I might not like as much as I thought I would. Either way, it’s fun to discover new patterns and pattern designers. This might also give me inspiration to come up with more of my own patterns as well.
Check out the pattern reviews I’ve done so far: Briar Rose Blanket, Granny Hat, Saturday Sweater Pattern, Bracken Sweater Pattern, Easy V-Stitch Market Bag, Turkey Towel Topper, and Gingerbread Towel Topper.
That concludes my end of the year crafty goals update. Did you set any crafty goals for yourself this year? If so, were you able to complete any crafty goals? Let me know by leaving me a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to my blog for all future projects, hauls, and much more. As always, thanks for stopping by!
Don’t know how to crochet? Click here if you have missed any of my previous Crochet 101 lessons.
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